Shelter Project. 33 casos de proyectos de alojamiento y respuesta frente a desastres y conflictos en 18 países.








Nos llega esta información a través del ICHab, procedente del International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies en Suiza.


Como pensamos que es de interés lo compartimos.


33 casos de proyectos de alojamiento y respuesta frente a desastres y conflictos en 18 países. Podéis bajaros gratuitamente el pdf desde el link adjunto.



Dear Contributor, 

We are happy to announce that Shelter Projects 2010 is now available online. 
It contains thirty three case studies of shelter projects and responses 
to disasters and conflicts from 18 countries.  PDF versions of this document can 
be downloaded freely from: 

Limited numbers of hard copies will be available (also free) upon request from the 
Shelter departments in IFRC, UNHABITAT and UNHCR Geneva offices. 

We would like to thank you for your contributions to Shelter Projects 
2010,  Shelter Projects 2009, and Shelter Projects 2008. These three 
documents now contain practices approaching 100 separate case studies of shelter 
projects from 37 Organisations, encompassing examples of most aspects of 
and approaches to Shelter programming. They can be downloaded from: 

We hope that you find this document useful and warmly welcome any 
comments on how to make this document closer suited to your needs in future editions. 

We remain interested in any additional case studies that you may have since we will compile further editions in the future. 

With very best regards, 

Sandra D'Urzo 
Senior Officer, Shelter and Settlements  
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 
Chemin des Crêts, 17 | 1211 Petit Saconnex | Geneva | Switzerland


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